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Your Guide To A Plantar Plate Injury

Updated: Jul 20

The human foot is a marvel of engineering, with its network of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons working together to support our body weight and movement. One of the critical parts of the foot is the plantar plate, a small but important structure that plays a key role in maintaining your foot's structure. In this guide, we will deep dive into everything plantar plate injury-related from common causes of injury to treatment options.

Table of Contents:

What is a Plantar Plate Injury?

The plantar plate is a thick, band located underneath the long bones in your foot, called the metatarsals. The metatarsals make up the ball of your foot. The metatarsals extend from the toes to the middle of your foot. The job of the plantar plate is to stabilize the ball of your foot, specifically the metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints.

  • A plantar plate injury happens when the plantar plate is damaged or weakened. This can range from mild strains to complete tears.

  • A plantar plate injury is most commonly seen in the second toe, but it can affect any of the toes

Causes of a Plantar Plate Injury

plantar plate injury

Common causes of plantar plate injury include:

1. Overuse or Repeat Stress

  • Repeat stress on the forefoot, like things that involve running, jumping, or pushing off the toes, can strain the plantar plate over time.

2. Trauma

  • New injuries, like stubbing a toe or dropping something heavy on it, can lead to a plantar plate injury

3. Wearing the wrong shoes

  • Shoes that don't fit properly, including shoes like high heels that force you to put too much weight on the ball of the foot when walking can increase the risk of a plantar plate injury.


4. Other foot problems

  • Foot deformities, like hammertoes or bunions, can change the biomechanics of the foot and put extra stress on the plantar plate which can increase your chance of injury.

Signs and Symptoms of A Plantar Plate Injury

plantar plate injury

Signs and symptoms of a plantar plate injury include:

1. Pain

  • Consistent pain in the ball of the foot, especially when bearing weight or pushing off the toes, is a hallmark symptom.

2. Swelling

  • Swelling around the affected MTP joint may be present.

3. Instability

  • Some people with a plantar plate injury may have instability in the affected toe joint, making it feel loose or dislocated.

4. Difficulty walking

  • The pain experienced with a plantar plate injury can lead to changes in the way you walk, making it harder to do many activities including running or working out.

Diagnosing A Plantar Plate Injury

Diagnosing a plantar plate injury typically involves a combination of an exam by your foot doctor, looking for signs of tenderness, instability, or changes to the shape of your toe. X-rays, MRIs, or ultrasounds can be used to get a better view of the plantar plate injury and rule out other problems like Morton's neuroma or stress fracture.

Treatment Options For A Plantar Plate Injury

plantar plate injury

Treatment options can be very different depending on how severe your injury is, and how long you have been dealing with a plantar plate injury. These treatment options can include:

1. Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation

  • Also known as RICE, this combination is helpful to quiet down the pain and inflammation seen in a newer plantar plate injury

2. Physical Therapy

  • Physical therapists or PTs can prescribe certain exercises and techniques to strengthen the muscles around the affected joint, improving stability.

3. Taping and Padding

  • Taping the affected toe or using padding can help lessen pressure on the injured plantar plate and provide support during healing.

4. Orthotics

  • Custom orthotic inserts can also be used to remove extra pressure from the plantar plate, allowing for healing.

5. Surgery

  • In severe cases or when conservative treatments don't work, surgery can be recommended.

  • For plantar plate surgery, the damaged plantar plate is repaired using a suture, and the affected toe can also be realigned.

Recovery From A Plantar Plate Injury

It's important to remember that recovery from a plantar plate injury takes time.

  • How much time it takes to heal from a plantar plate injury depends on how bad your injury is, as well as how you respond to the treatments.

During the recovery period, it's important to avoid anything that will add pressure to the injured foot.

  • Gradually adding weight back to your foot and functional activities will be part of the rehabilitation process.

Preventing A Plantar Plate Injury

plantar plate injury

Here are some tips to help reduce the risk of having a plantar plate injury

1. Wear the right shoes

  • Choose shoes that have enough room for your toes.

  • Avoid high heels because shoes with a high heel force your body weight to the ball of your foot, increasing the risk of a plantar plate injury.

  • Shoes with narrow-toe boxes that can squeeze the toes, over time changing the shape of your foot, also increasing the risk of a plantar plate injury

2. Pay attention to any other foot problems you have

  • Pay attention to any other foot problems you have bunions or hammertoes. These changes to your feet can increase pressure on the plantar plate, increasing your risk of an injury.

3. Incorporate stretching and strengthening foot exercises

  • Incorporating regular foot and toe exercises into your routine helps to maintain flexibility and strength in the muscles and ligaments of the foot, and can also lower your risk of a plantar plate injury.

4. Be mindful of rest

  • Allow enough rest between high-impact activities to prevent a plantar plate injury.

When to Seek Professional Help For A Plantar Plate Injury

  • If you are experiencing pain, swelling, or instability in the ball of your foot that is not getting better, it's important to find a foot doctor in your area. Early diagnosis and intervention can lead to better outcomes and a faster return to normal activities.

Key Takeaways About A Plantar Plate Injury

  • Understanding a plantar plate injury is crucial for long-lasting foot health and preventing long-term problems.

  • By recognizing the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for plantar plate injuries, people can take proactive steps to protect their feet and enjoy a pain-free, active lifestyle.

Schedule Your Appointment At Direct Podiatry Arizona Today

Are you in the Phoenix area and have concerns that you possibly have a plantar plate injury? My name is Dr. Tarr, and I am the owner of Direct Podiatry Arizona in Tempe. To view my available appointment times, click here.

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